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Proxy API and Font Development Toolkit for FontLab

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TypeRig API


TypeRig GUI












FontLab 7 - Manual installation from GitHub

Download the archived (.zip) package provided from this repository or clone it. Run FontLab 7 and drag the installation file provided in the root folder called install.vfpy to the application (as if it was a font). The Output window should report if the installation was successful. The TypeRig library should now be installed.

If you want to install the GUI based part of Typerig (only after successfully installing the core library) please open FonLab, Scripting panel. At the bottom of the panel you will see a small black Plus sign (+). Click on it and FontLab will ask you to Select directory where your scripts reside. Point the app towards ./Scripts/Delta Machine and ./Scripts/GUI.

FontLab 7 - Automatic installation within the application

Run FontLab 7, choose Scripts > Update / Install Scripts. Click OK in the dialog, wait until the installation completes. When you see the TypeRig is up-to-date dialog, click OK and restart FontLab 7.

The Scripts menu should now show the Delta Machine and TypeRig GUI submenus.

FontLab VI

Unpack files anywhere you want. Then:

Note: It is possible that you could have two or more Python installations on one machine. Please note which one is set to work with your current Fontlab instalaltion. If it happens that your main Python installation differes from the one supplied with Fontlab, then you should manually copy the library provided as /typerig/ folder residing in ./Lib/ to your /FontLab VER/Resources/python/2.7/site-packages/ folder. To test it out, if the library is poperly installed please open your FL6 scripting panel, navigate to and open the console and type import typerig. If no error is returned, then the manual isntallation went just fine.